Spring is just round the corner, so lambing season is nearly here! Expect to see some cute new additions to the flock. The season doesn’t officially start until the beginning of April… so, here’s some of our grown-up sheep.
At Gavinburn Cottages you are always close to nature and the list of animals you will see during your stay can be endless. The farm is home to a small flock of sheep and a small herd of cattle. We also hope to have a pair of Highland “Coos” arriving very soon.
If you get out and explore there is also far more to see than the farm animals with the hills being home to a rich array of wildlife. Please see our wildlife section on our activities page for more details.
We will regularly update our website and social media pages with news of any new arrivals at the farm and don’t forget to leave us name suggestions for our animals when they arrive! There may even be prizes for the winning suggestions, so keep logging on!